Year 6 into Year 7 Frequently Asked Questions
What is the process for tutor groupings and students being able to select friends?
In relation to tutor groupings, we are taking into consideration feedback we are receiving from our Primary School teachers in relation to social and academic information on each individual student. As well as this, we will be mixing all feeder schools within tutor groups, to ensure students are making new friendships and feel settled with familiar faces.
How long is the school day?
The school day starts at 8.35am and finishes at 3.00pm. You should be on the school site by 8.30am so you’re not late to AM tutor time.
How many lessons are there and how long are they?
There are five lessons in each day and are 1-hour long. Hounsdown has a timetable that runs over two weeks, a week A and B timetable.
When do we get our Year 7 timetable?
You will find out your timetable and be given a copy of this on your first day in September.
When do I find out who my tutor is and which House I’m in?
You will find this out on the Induction Days and letters will be given to you to take home. You will also find out which House you are in. We have four House’s at Hounsdown; Beaulieu (blue), Bolderwood (red), Knightwood (green) and Rhinefield (purple), these will indicate the colours required on your PE tops.
Will my lessons be taught in my tutor group?
You are taught in tutor groups for some of your subjects, however your teaching groups will also vary so you get to meet lots of new friends.
What lessons will I have at Hounsdown?
Many of the lessons will be the same as in your primary/junior school such as Maths and English. You will also study; Science, Geography, History, Ethics and Beliefs, PSHCE, Art, Drama, Music, Computing, Technology, PE and either French or Spanish. You will also have a tutor time for 20 minutes at the start of each day.
Who can I talk to if I am upset or concerned?
Hounsdown is a very supportive community where all staff will be more than willing to listen. Your tutor will be your main support system at Hounsdown, where you can check in each morning and go to with any worries.
How do I find my way around Hounsdown and what happens if I get lost?
Everyone gets lost and we totally understand that as a new Yr7 you probably will and it’s absolutely normal! You will be given your school planners with a map of the school site and you will very quickly find that you start to remember your way around. If you get lost just ask someone, there are always many people to ask. Hounsdown staff are identified by a yellow staff lanyard that they wear around their neck.
What do I do if I’m feeling unwell?
If your feeling unwell during the school day, tell your teacher and they may send you to the student services office. If a member of the office team feels that you need to go home, they will contact your parents/carers. Please do not contact your parents/carers without going to the medical room first.
How much Independent Learning will I get?
When you start at Hounsdown School you will receive Independent Learning in all subjects, but please do not worry about this. The independent learning will be spread across the week. You should spend around 30 minutes per piece of work and in the majority of cases you get one week to complete your learning.
What happens if I don’t complete my Independent Learning?
Independent Learning is one of the big expectations at Hounsdown and all students are expected to complete their work. If Independent Learning continues to not be completed, you will be given a sanction, this could be a one hour of detention after school.
If I’m struggling with my Independent Learning who can I talk to?
If you are struggling to complete your work, talk to your subject teacher. You can either talk to them face to face or email them. This must be done in good time before the homework is due in, so you have the opportunity to complete it and hand it in
What clubs and activities are on offer?
There are many extra-curricular clubs and activities at Hounsdown that you can get involved with from PE to Creative Arts.
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